Gaurko egunkarietan ondokoa irakurtzen dut: Cate Blanchett aktoresa australiarra hirugarren seme-alabaz erditu zen pasa den igandean. Ignatius Martin izena jarri dio “en un curioso homenaje a los hermanos Ignacio (Santo) y MartÃn de Loyola”
Baten batek azaldu ahal dit zergatik egin nahi dien omenaldia emakume zoragarri honek loiolatar famatu hauei? Gipuzkoar batekin ezkondurik dago? Jesuiten alde agertu nahi du zerua irabazteko alferrikako ahaleginean?
Bere filmografiaari gainbegirada bat ematen diot:
Queen Elizabeth I
Won - Golden Globe for Best Actress - DramaWon - BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Leading RoleNominated - Academy Award for Best Actress
The Talented Mr. Ripley
Meredith Logue
Nominated - BAFTA for Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role
Baten batek azaldu ahal dit zergatik egin nahi dien omenaldia emakume zoragarri honek loiolatar famatu hauei? Gipuzkoar batekin ezkondurik dago? Jesuiten alde agertu nahi du zerua irabazteko alferrikako ahaleginean?
Bere filmografiaari gainbegirada bat ematen diot:
Queen Elizabeth I
Won - Golden Globe for Best Actress - DramaWon - BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Leading RoleNominated - Academy Award for Best Actress
The Talented Mr. Ripley
Meredith Logue
Nominated - BAFTA for Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Nominated - SAG award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast
Nominated - SAG award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Nominated - SAG award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Nominated - SAG award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Won - SAG award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Won - SAG award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast
The Aviator
Katharine Hepburn
Won - Academy Award for Best Supporting ActressWon - BAFTA award for Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting RoleWon - SAG award for Best Supporting Actress Supporting Actress
Katharine Hepburn
Won - Academy Award for Best Supporting ActressWon - BAFTA award for Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting RoleWon - SAG award for Best Supporting Actress Supporting Actress
Susan Jones
Notes on a Scandal
Sheba Hart
Nominated - Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress
Susan Jones
Notes on a Scandal
Sheba Hart
Nominated - Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Agent Irina Spalko
....eta ez dut argibiderik aurkitzen. Jeremy Irons eta Robert de Niro-ren mireslea ote The Mission filmean?
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Agent Irina Spalko
....eta ez dut argibiderik aurkitzen. Jeremy Irons eta Robert de Niro-ren mireslea ote The Mission filmean?
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